Know Before You Go

Recently the opportunity has presented itself for me to engage with college students on a more frequent basis, due to a counselor being out. Many of the students I have counseled have been going for interviews with employers. If you remember, the last time we previewed what you need in order to make a strong impression during an interview. Well it’s no different in what you need to do before the interview.

Just like in college, you need to do your homework before the big interview. Luckily for you, there are many diverse resources available for free or at least cheap on the Internet to enable you to gain the competitive edge.

Here are just a few ideas:

  1. Employers’ websites
  2. Research employers from an independent prospective, e.g. Hoover’s Online:
  3. News Sources
  4. Trade Journals
  5. Industry Directories
  6. Goggle

While you’re at it, Google yourself and make sure there is not anything out there that you would not want an employer to see.

Texas SHRM