So we've elected a new President of the United States (in case you missed that). And now, we move forward toward 2017 when the Texas Legislature will be meeting.
Just last week, I visited Capitol Hill with some 25 other Texas SHRM leaders where we met with the staffs of Senators Cornyn and Cruz as well as our local House Representatives. It reminded me that our government really is one of the people, and our input and influence truly do make a difference.
If you have never met with your state representatives, whether at the Capitol in Austin or in your District office, I encourage you to do so in the coming weeks as they prepare to meet as a legislative body. The Texas SHRM legislative committee and your local Chapter will keep you abreast of important legislation to discuss with those we voted into office. Or, take the initiative yourself to investigate upcoming legislation that may affect Human Resources in Texas, and bring it to the forefront and to the attention of your colleagues.
If you are a seasoned participant in the political process, please step up this Spring, and encourage and educate others of the importance of doing so. For all, join the SHRM A-Team, sign up for the TX SHRM Legislative conference and Hill visit on April 20...but don't sit on the sideline. I promise, you CAN make a difference.