TAGITM Monthly
February 29, 2024
Tubbesing: Experts in Mission-Critical Solutions
Tubbesing Solutions, LLC®
Tubbesing is a multi-disciplinary company offering mission-critical solutions, services, and software for all markets requiring 100% uptime. We specialize in data centers, hospitals, government sites, factories, and anywhere a client needs reliable infrastructure. We help customers construct, manage, and maintain their critical facilities. We’ve been a trusted provider of mission-critical infrastructure for over 40 years, ensuring you have timely access to repairs, training, and customer support.
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TAGITM Updates
The 2023-2024 TAGITM Summit theme was "The Digital Force Awakens: Mastering Threat Hunting in the Cyber Galaxy." During the summit in Grand Prairie and the Woodlands, the CISA team led a hands-on experience in digital forensics. On one hand, it was a surprise to hear that the second summit in the Woodlands had a sold-out crowd. On the other hand, it was not a surprise because your surveys indicated that you wanted information on cybersecurity, and you showed up. The Education Committee always works to support the educational vision you create through the surveys.

The Annual Educational Conference is almost here. Wow, this year just flew by. The upcoming conference means it’s time for some very important items from you. Nominations for President, Vice President and Treasurer will be taken from membership. Board positions are what keep the organization going strong year after year. Personally, I can tell you it’s a very rewarding experience, and I would encourage everyone to give it a go. You will make some great friends and have an opportunity to give back to an organization that does a lot for its members. A sign of a healthy organization is when there are multiple people running for positions, so please consider nominating someone you see has a passion for this organization or consider nominating yourself if you want to take your involvement to the next level.

If you have been following along over the last year, you will recall we established a new award at last year’s Annual Conference. This award is named after Beth Ann Unger, whom we tragically lost last year.  In recognition of her leadership, contributions to TAGITM, and all-around awesomeness, we felt an award recognizing other talented women in the field of government technology was a fitting recognition of who Beth Ann was and what she accomplished over her life and career.  Last year’s initial award was given posthumously to Beth Ann.  This year, the award is up for nomination and can be given to a deserving member of TAGITM.
Global Asset
Client First Consulting Group
In the News
Many IT leaders are shifting away from a blanket cloud-first approach, opting for workload-specific strategies to optimize productivity, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness.
McKinsey's framework offers states a roadmap for implementing generative AI, emphasizing governance, risk assessment, and practical application over a six-month period.
IT Leadership: Building Better Connected Government Experiences
Logitech, Inc.®
Join Government Technology and Logitech as they discuss equipping the modern workforce, enhancing constituent experiences, and driving digital transformation. You’ll come away with practical insights, valuable perspectives, and strategies that are helping to empower government workforces to reimagine how to keep communities healthy, safe, and connected.
The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence chair expressed concern about foreign involvement in the current election, pointing to a recent incident involving an AI-generated robocall imitating President Joe Biden..
Amid technological disruption, leaders focus on fostering soft skills like empathy and communication to thrive in an uncertain future.
Digital Boundary Group
As the U.S. shifts to greener energy, cybersecurity experts stress the need to adapt risk management strategies to protect evolving energy systems.