Special Specification Waiting Game

I am sure you have recently seen the draft TxDOT Special Specification 3XXX Dense-Graded Hot-Mix Asphalt (QC/QA), and I hope you took the time to provide comments to our office or to TxDOT directly on this new draft Special Specification. This Special Specification cleans up many outstanding issues not covered in Item 341 and Special Provision 341-024. We have been anxiously awaiting the release of this Special Specification so that the log jam of other important Special Specifications which will replace specification Items 292, 340, 342, 344 and 346 can be released. In various meetings and presentations over the last several months we have heard from our members that they really need the benefits of Special Provision 341-024 to be available in the previously mentioned Specification Items. As TxDOT moves through the review and revisions of the Special Specification for Item 341 it is apparent that there may still be several months before we can see the new Special Specifications on the remaining specification items so I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know what is available to you currently when it comes to these items.

Item 292 Asphalt Treatment (Plant-Mixed) is actually an item that may have been overlooked had it not been for our recent Partners in Quality meeting in Houston. The members present at that meeting stressed to Robert Lee and I that this item needed to have the same benefits of Special Provision 341-024 just like the other items. Currently there are not any special provisions available that allow the use of RAP, RAS, WMA and Grade Dumping in Item 292. Granted Grade Dumping is not a concern in Item 292, but the other beneficial features would be good to have in this item. Even without any available Special Provisions a district can allow the use of RAP, RAS and WMA via a general note in the PS&E. I would encourage you to get with your respective districts if you want to be able to use these tools so that they can add this to their general notes.

Item 340 Dense-Graded Hot-Mix Asphalt (Method) currently has Special Provision 340-003 which has been required on all TxDOT projects using Item 340 since May 2009. This special provision states that RAP is permitted unless otherwise noted in the plans and allows for the use of up to 5% RAS. WMA and Grade Dumping are not addressed, but they can be allowed via general notes to the PS&E.

Item 342 Permeable Friction Course (PFC) does not allow the use of RAP or RAS and most likely will not allow the use of these items in the foreseeable future. WMA PFC can be used and again this can be addressed in the general notes to the PS&E.

Item 344 Performance-Designed Mixtures has Special Provision 344-009 (District Option) which allows RAP if called for in the plans. I would encourage all of you to get with your local TxDOT Districts and ask that when using Item 344 in their district that they include this special provision and the associated general note allowing the use of RAP. WMA, RAS and Grade Dumping all can be used with Item 344 and the future Special Specification for this item will include these benefits. In the mean time they can be added via general notes to the PS&E.

Item 346 Stone-Matrix Asphalt has Special Provision 346-003 (District Option) which allows RAP if called for in the plans. I would again encourage all of you to get with your local TxDOT Districts and ask that when using Item 346 in their district that they include this special provision and the associated general note allowing the use of RAP. WMA, RAS and Grade Dumping all can be used with Item 346 and the future Special Specification for this item will include these benefits. In the mean time they can be added via general notes to the PS&E.

The one drawback of adding the ability to use RAP, RAS, WMA and Grade Dumping via general notes is the general notes could get very lengthy and that is the reason we are anxiously awaiting the Special Specifications on all of the above specification items. Once they are released everyone will be on the same page. Until this happens I encourage you to work with your local TxDOT Districts, cities, counties, and RMA’s to be open to using these beneficial tools. Our industry in Texas are leaders when it comes to these tools and right now we need to be the ones helping to show everyone the benefits to using these tools. If you need more of the TxAPA Educational Tool Kits in order to help you make your case to these various entities please give us a call so we can get you more tool kits. Remember the first 10 tool kits you receive are free for your use and subsequent tool kits will cost $10 each.

As always let us know how we can help you get the word out on these great tools.