We need your vote - By-Laws Change Concerning the Number of Board Members

To: All TxAPA Regular Member Association Representatives
Re: By-Laws Change Concerning the Number of Board Members
From: Doug Walterscheid, President, TxAPA
Date: October 21, 2010

The nominating committee of the Texas Asphalt Pavement Association (TxAPA) has recommended to the TxAPA Board of Directors that a change be made to the TxAPA Constitution and By-Laws concerning the number of regular members that serve on the Board of Directors. The recommended change is being necessitated because TxAPA annually receives more nominees that desire to serve on the Board of Directors than can be elected in a timely fashion.

The TxAPA Board has examined the recommendation and explored the actions of implementing this change. They have found that most associations the size of TxAPA have more representation on their Board of Directors than we currently have. They have also concluded that this will give more of our regular members the ability to serve our industry and have more representation, from the membership, concerning association actions and programs. It was also determined that adding Board Members will assist in the pursuit of trying to have Board Member representation from all areas of the state on an annual basis.

The change to the TxAPA Constitution is simple. It allows the nominating committee flexibility in nominating more Board Members, as necessary, and does not limit the nominees to only those positions that are rotating off the Board. Currently the TxAPA Board of Directors is comprised of seven regular members that serve two-year terms. The number of Board Members nominated in any one year varies from one to three members depending on the terms of the officers. The length of the Board Member term will not change.

The TxAPA Board approves of the recommended change and submits this action for formal membership approval. The officers and Board of Directors of TxAPA urges the TxAPA Regular Membership to vote in favor of the constitution change.

The constitution change ballot that needs to be completed and returned to the association office on or before November 2, 2010 was emailed to all Regular Association representatives last week. Please email, fax, or mail your completed ballot to Harold Mullen, TxAPA Executive Vice President, at hmullen@txhotmix.org, 512-312-5043, or P.O. Box 1468 Buda, TX 78610.

If for some reason you did not receive this ballot, let us know and we will send one immediately to you.