Educational Tool Kits

In 2010 at the direction of the TxAPA Board of Directors and under the guidance of the TxAPA Marketing Committee, TxAPA staff made a concerted effort to expand our educational outreach efforts. We did this by expanding Partners in Quality Meetings with TxDOT from 11 districts to 24 districts; attending various Trade Shows around the state; and by developing an Educational Tool Kit for use by the members. We sent one copy of the TxAPA Educational Tool Kit along with a cover letter from the Marketing Committee Chairman Derek Angel explaining the kit and how to use it to every Member Company of TxAPA. In the letter, Chairman Angel offered nine more Educational Tool Kits at no charge to any Company wishing for additional copies. Any copies requested by a Member Company above the initial 10 free copies can be obtained at a cost of $10 per copy. (Note these tool kits cost roughly $15 each to develop.)

I wanted to take this opportunity to remind everyone that the above TxAPA Educational Tool Kits are still available for use by Member Companies as part of a grassroots effort being undertaken by the TxAPA Membership to educate cities, counties, Regional Mobility Authorities, consultants, etc. on the benefits of asphalt. As you already know, the asphalt products our Industry has to offer are smooth, durable, sustainable, recyclable and economical. You know this, but we believe the time has come to educate the various entities mentioned above of these benefits.

The Marketing Committee envisions that this tool kit can be used by Member Companies, such as yours, as you meet with various entities that appear to have not kept up with the advancements and benefits our industry has to offer. The tool kit has various inserts that address the smoothness, durability, sustainability, recyclability and economics associated with our products. The materials contained within the tool kit come from TxAPA and our Industry Partners such as the Asphalt Pavement Alliance (APA), the National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA), and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). Once you introduce this material to your audience, questions are bound to arise. You will probably be able to handle most of these questions, but if more information is needed then please feel free to contact me to schedule a follow-up visit. These visits can be a one-on-one visit all the way up to educational seminars put on by TxAPA.

Please contact Stephanie Buckberry or myself if you want copies of the TxAPA Educational Tool Kit for your use. If you have any questions about the tool kit or the contents of the tool kit, please give me a call. ( or (512) 312.2099)

Thank you in advance for your help educating entities within Texas on the benefits our Industry has to offer.