Educational Tool Kit Inserts

In the May 2011 eTxAPA Newsletter I started a series of articles for this newsletter that will cover the inserts contained in the TxAPA Educational Tool Kit and why they are important. I started the series by discussing the "Smoothness Matters" insert. The effect of smoothness in pavement is a big advantage that asphaltic pavements have, and an advantage we should make sure people fully understand. Furthermore this is even more important toady since other industries are trying to distort this important and clear fact. To read more about smoothness and its effect on fuel consumption and the wear and tear on your vehicle please click on the link below in order to read the pamphlet entitled "Smoothness Matters."

Another topic which is advantageous to asphaltic pavements is sustainability. Like most of the Educational Tool Kit inserts "Asphalt the Sustainable Pavement" is a product of the Asphalt Pavement Alliance (APA). As stated by the APA the brochure shows that "Asphalt is the sustainable pavement for constructing pavements. From the production of the paving material, to the placement of the pavement on the road, to rehabilitation, through recycling, asphalt pavements minimize the impact on the environment." Due to "low consumption of energy for production and construction, low emission of greenhouse gases and conservation of natural resources" asphalt is "the environmental pavement of choice." This brochure goes on to support this claim by discussing Energy and Recycling, Performance, Water Quality, and Clean Air Cool Cities. To learn more about how asphaltic pavements are the sustainable pavement of choice and how we can help educate people to this indisputable fact please click on the link below to read "Asphalt the Sustainable Pavement."