2012 TXAPA Quality Asphalt Paving Awards

The TXAPA Awards Committee under the leadership of Co-Chairs Tracey Friggle, Director of Construction for the Dallas District of TxDOT, and Eric Johnson, General Plant Manager for Austin Bridge & Road, LP, have been very busy in 2012 even without holding a meeting. Through emails and phone calls Ms. Friggle and Mr. Johnson have helped to release the call for the 2012 TXAPA Quality Asphalt Paving Awards.

In late January 2012 John Barton, P.E., Deputy Executive Director/Chief Engineer for TxDOT, sent out a memo to the TxDOT District Engineers across the state calling for project nominations. To read a copy of his memo please click here. To download a nomination form or an evaluation form please check out the following links:

TxDOT/TXAPA Quality Asphalt Pavement Awards Program Nomination Form

TxDOT/TXAPA Evaluation Packet

On Feb. 10, 2012 TXAPA President Derek Angel of Angel Brothers Enterprises and Century Asphalt Materials sent an email to TXAPA Regular Members soliciting nominations for the TXAPA Quality Paving Awards which would be for projects built by TXAPA membership for cities, counties, regional mobility authorities, private developers, etc. To read a copy of his letter please click here. To download a nomination form please check out the following link:

TXAPA Quality Paving Awards Nomination Form 2012

If you should have any questions concerning your nominations please give David C. Kopp, P.E., TXAPA Director of Business Relations, a call at (512) 312-2099 or send him an email at dkopp@texasasphalt.org.