HMAC Proficiency Program Deadlines and Soils Proficiency Update

By now, every Level 1A certified technician shoud have received his/her asphalt proficieny sample for 2012. If you have not received your sample, please contact Kyle Swaner at the Hot Mix Asphalt Center,

The soil proficiencies will be shipped in February. The soil proficiencies are for those technicians who are certified in SB 101, SB 103 and SB 201. Soils proficiency deadlines will be posted on the instruction form found on your home page.

The HMAC website is: Each technician is required to update all of his/her current information when changing jobs, moving residence or making any type of change that would affect his/her certifications by logging onto the website. We suggest that technicians log into the system on a regular basis to become more familiar with the website and keep up with any current information the Center posts. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE TECHNICIAN TO MAKE SURE THIS INFORMATION IS UPDATED. The following are deadlines that need to be met by each technician.

Anyone who currently holds any certification from the Hot Mix Asphalt Center is already considered a user on the website and therefore has a user name and password. Those who do not remember their user name and password can click on "lost password" answer a few questions to receive the user name and a new password from the system. Please take advantage of this system prior to contacting the Hot Mix Asphalt Center for lost passwords.

It is imperative that if you have any technicians who hold certifications in Level 1A, Soils SB 101, SB 103 or Soils SB 201, you notify them of these important dates. All deadlines can be found scrolling on the ticker tape at the Hot Mix Asphalt Center home page. If you have any questions, or for more information, please contact Karen Pagitt or Kyle Swaner at the Hot Mix Asphalt Center, (512) 312-2099.