DOT Makes Unused Funds Available to States for New Transportation Projects

New use it or lose it "We Can't Wait" action allows states to identify projects they want to fund using unspent earmarked funds from 2003 to 2006

A new DOT plan, effective August 17, allows state departments of transportation to utilize unspent earmarked highway funds on eligible highway, transit, passenger rail or port projects. For Texas, the available funds amount to more than $30 million.

"My administration will continue to do everything we can to put Americans back to work," said President Barack Obama. "We're not going to let politics stand between construction workers and good jobs repairing our roads and bridges."

"We are freeing up these funds so states can get down to the business of moving transportation projects forward and putting our friends and neighbors back to work," said Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood.  

For more information, consult the White House press release at by clicking here or go directly to the FHWA website by clicking here

View the summary of idle earmarked funds for Texas by clicking here.