Congratulations to The Lane Construction Corp. of Texas

Congratulations to The Lane Construction Corp. of Texas.  They received their first Diamond Achievement Commendations for their Justin HMAC Plant.

The Diamond Quality Commendation focuses on plant practices resulting in excellent product quality. The Diamond Quality Commendation extends the idea of a blueprint for excellence to the pavement material that is produced.

A task force of NAPA members from the QIC (Quality Improvement Committee) and ESPOC (Environment, Safety, and Plant Operations Committee) groups developed the commendation with the assistance of NAPA staff.

The areas evaluated include quality management, rap and aggregate handling, asphalt storage, drying and mixing, air quality, truck scales, silos, and control rooms. Some questions are mandatory and require an appropriate response in order for the application to be eligible. Each individual area requires a minimum of 80 percent and the total score must be at least 85 percent to receive the Commendation. Verification by a third party not affiliated with the company is required.

Batch plants and drum plants are handled separately as they require different practices, but the percentages needed for passing grades are the same

All applications for the Diamond Quality Commendation are online. Supporting documentation such as technician certificates, laboratory accreditation, and third-party reviews are submitted in electronic format.


Contact the Diamond Assistant at the NAPA office.

Apply for the Commendation

The Diamond Quality program is open to all in the United States and Canada.
Click here to start or resume your Diamond Quality Commendation application.