2013 Board Ballots - Regular Members

On November 20th, Karen emailed an Official Ballet to all Regular Member Association Representatives.  The ballet contained a list of three nominated members to serve on the Board of Directors for 2013 - 2014.  The Nominations listed were:

Jeff Greene American Materials Stafford
Geno Carrier East Texas Asphalt Co., Ltd. Lufkin
Mike Brown APAC-TEXAS, Inc. - Wheeler Co Austin

Following your approval, the above nominated members will join the Regular Board Members listed below to compose the Board of Directors for 2013:

Gene Smith
Pavers Supply Co.
Derek Angel
Century Asphalt Materials
Jerry Lee
Zack Burkett Co.
Wichita Falls
Wade Miller
Big Creek Construction, Ltd.
Richard Mills
Austin Bridge & Road, LP
Kevin Stone
Bay, Ltd.
Corpus Christi

Use the bottom portion of the form Karen emailed you as your official ballot to cast your vote for the recommended nominees.  Return your ballot via email to kpagitt@texasasphalt.org or fax your ballot to (512) 312-5043 by December 20, 2012.

If you are a Regular Member Association Representative, and have NOT received a ballot please contact Karen immediately either by email at kpagitt@texasasphalt.org or by telephone (512) 312-2099.