Important Information From Texas Infrastructure Now

Proposition 6 for Water Funding on Ballot November 5:

This Election Day, Texans will have the opportunity to vote on nine amendments to the Texas Constitution, most notably Proposition 6, which will provide $2 billion for water projects around the state. TIN endorses the advocacy work of H2O4Texas, who is hard at work getting the message to Texans that a vote FOR Proposition 6 is a positive step forward in addressing our water infrastructure needs.
Proposition 6 will appear on ballots November 5, 2013, with early voting October 21 through November 1, 2013.  Voter registration deadline is October 7th so if you need to register or have recently moved, there is still time to take part in this important initiative!
Click the following link for H2O4Texas’ Texas State Water Plan Primer to read some background information on this initiative and its importance to our future.  And make sure to tell your friends and neighbors to vote YES on Proposition 6 this November.