Spring Time - Rainy Season ?

Each spring brings out concerns when it’s time to pave Asphalt Pavement. With the rain there are lots of challenges that can occur. A little common sense and following some best management practices will go along way to make sure specifications are met, a quality hot mix produced and a good roadway is built.

"Rain rain go away come back another day" this is usually how we all feel when the rainy season hits, (unless of course we are in a drought and need to fill up the lakes). Rain creates lots of problems with the mix and with quality control testing. The following are a few basic tips which can help produce a quality mix. 

1.A well-built stockpile with proper slopes can help facilitate drainage. 
2.Build bigger piles so you have more material to choose from.
3.After a rain event dig in and remove the outside of the pile where you plan to load that day.
4.Have the loader stay 2 feet off the ground when loading out of the pile.
5.Cover at least one day’s production of RAP, RAS and Sand since these are the hardest materials to dry at the hot mix plant.
6.Adjust production at the plant and in the field so the plant has the opportunity to dry the aggregates and get the moisture out.

Moistures are the key to success and QC can never run too many for the plant.  Knowing where the moistures are will help make decisions and balance out production so you can achieve the best possible outcome. As always remember "Longer Lasting Asphalt Pavements".