Quality Control & Quality Assurance Technician Awards Program

The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and the Hot Mix Asphalt Center (HMAC) presents Quality Control/Quality Assurance Technicians an award for their efforts to achieve excellence in the performance of their assigned duties.

This is an annual program to award achievement in Hot Mix & Soils materials and Testing by HMAC Certified Technicians. QC/QA technicians are an invaluable part of our industry. Good quality begins with the technician and good technicians need to be recognized. This program will honor those who strive to be better than the rest and to those who dedicate their career to helping the industry be the best it can be. One technician will be chosen from each level of certification, (1A, 1B, Level 2). Starting this year (2015) we will also choose one technician from any level of our Soils programs to win the technician award for the soils category. 

To nominate a technician, simply go to the website www.txhmac.org and fill out the form and return it to the HMAC. Any person with personal knowledge of a candidate’s qualifications may nominate a technician for this award.

A committee comprised of TxDOT, HMAC and past award winners will then review these nominations, interview a minimum of two individuals who have personal knowledge of the candidate’s abilities using a pre-determined set of guidelines. The committee will then evaluate the nominees and name the winner in each category.

The winners will be recognized, awarded a plaque and a HMAC awards shirt during the Awards Ceremony at the annual Texas Asphalt Pavement Association meeting in September of each year.  In addition, the winners will be acknowledged at the Partners in Quality Seminars held around the state during the year and will be featured on the HMAC’s website.

We are very excited about this program and look forward to the nominations this year. With your cooperation and involvement, we expect a very successful HMAC Quality Control Technician Awards Program.