On the Road to TACERA

Coming up October 16-19, 2017 TXAPA will attend the Texas Association of County Engineers and Road Administrators (TACERA) annual conference in San Antonio. TXAPA will set up our display booth with specimens of asphalt mix types, literature on the proper materials and methods used for quality asphalt paving and flash drives containing the new Texas Asphalt Pavement User Guide will be available at our booth. Larry Welch will speak to the group on five different topics during the first day of the conference. Topics are as follows: General Hot Mix Information, Compaction of Hot Mix, Hot Mix Types Used in Texas, Surface Preparation before Laying Hot Mix, and Troubleshooting. If you would like to help staff the TXAPA booth during the TACERA conference please contact us at the association office.    

Texas Asphalt Pavement Association