TXAPA Participates In CECON

TXAPA recently participated in the 2017 Texas Civil Engineering Conference (CECON) in San Marcos. Resiliency in engineering was the theme at this year’s meeting. TXAPA’s Larry Welch spoke to the group during breakout sessions and also provided asphalt education and information through the TXAPA trade show booth. The goal was to educate, answer question s and build relationships with engineers in attendance.  Mr. Welch distributed the Texas Asphalt Pavement User Guide along with the one-page guide on chapter topics. Many of the engineering firms expressed an interest for TXAPA to present topics of education on asphalt to their employees and engineers. We also stressed the fact that TXAPA wants to be a Partner in Quality with these firms. This was TXAPA’s fourth straight year to attend and participate in the conference. 
Fundamentals of Asphalt Heads to Dallas

Texas Asphalt Pavement Association