Fundamentals of Asphalt Heads to Dallas

Earlier this year TXAPA launched our Fundamentals of Asphalt Pavements seminar series around the state. Four seminars have been conducted including: Fort Worth, Humble, Lufkin, and San Marcos. Our next seminar will be in Dallas followed by Lubbock. Check out TXAPA’s website for future information and to sign up to attend in your area. Our goal is to help everyone understand all aspects of asphalt pavements. Chuck Fuller and Larry Welch have done an excellent job presenting the topics along with answering any questions asked. Large groups of over one hundred officials from cities, counties, and industry firms have attended the seminars. Please contact the TXAPA office if you have any needs for training and educational programs. TXAPA also offers our Paving and Compaction of Asphalt Pavements seminars and have done forty three this year around the state.  

Texas Asphalt Pavement Association