Welcome to the new TMEPA eNews! For now, we're calling it Overlook!

In today's world, communication and virtually instant communication is not just desired but required. Most of us read books, newspapers, trade journals, and even children's stories at bedtime on some type of digital device. I personally read three papers on my home computer each day before heading to the office. For pleasure, I use a Kindle and purchase all my books in digital format. That's the world we live in today.

Welcome to the first edition of the TMEPA eNews. We've tentatively named it Overlook, not because we've forgotten anything, but because our purpose is to bring news of a more interesting nature to you, our members. Our hope is to focus on items of interest that you don't typically see in our clips or in the monthly magazine that many of you use. It will be published and emailed to over 800 lucky recipients on or about the 16th of each month. Items of interest will include industry news at the local, state and national levels in each edition. This is a rapidly changing world we serve, and keeping up with the revolving door can be daunting. You'll see news articles of particular interest that first appeared in our daily NewsClips as well as articles and information from a variety of other sources. You'll note in this first issue a section on calendar events. In this area, you'll find dates for upcoming meetings, training schedules and really important things like birthdays and anniversaries. 

Local news is the segment where we hope  you'll submit information about your system and/or city. Goals, accomplishments, graduations, new employees, promotions and even retirements are of special interest to your friends across the state. That new bucket truck that runs on electricity or bio-diesel may well be the envy of your neighbors. Need a new engineer, HR person, IT professional or someone to fill any other position? Post it in our monthly eNews. Just send your information to me at mvinson@tmepa.org or Susan Sherrill at susans@tmepa.org

If you have a suggestion for a permanent name, pass it on. There just may be a special prize for the best name.   

Overlook is a great benefit to our membership, and we hope you'll take advantage of this new and exciting publication. Enjoy today's first edition!
