Winsome Wisdom – The Gift of Grapes and Carrots by Steve Chappell

 There’s a story told of Archimedes, famed Greek engineer, inventor, and astronomer, having a bath while agonizing over a perplexing question from King Hiero II regarding a newly forged crown and a suspicion that some silver may have been substituted for the gold by a crooked goldsmith.

Archimedes pondered desperately over what seemed an impossible demand: finding a method for determining the authenticity of an irregularly shaped object without damaging its integrity. Suddenly, he arose in delirious excitement from his oblong shaped bathtub and, forgetting his robe, ran out of his home and into the street shouting, "Eureka!"

And so it was with your humble yet fully clothed correspondent, who had his own Archimedes moment regarding a question posed four years ago: i.e., how did my total cholesterol level suddenly drop from an unhealthy 221 down to 184 in just one year, and has stayed down for the following three years?

I still like my sausage, biscuits, cheeseburgers, fast food fries, and chocolate shakes. And I am especially fond of carrot cake. But my weight has dropped ten pounds over the past four years, and my last cholesterol reading just three weeks ago totaled 185 with the good cholesterol over 40. Just In case you may be wondering about my exercise routine, wonder no more. There is none... When I retire, I really retire!
Now the obligatory disclaimer: I have neither training nor experience in the medical field, except as a patient. And even though I sometimes stay at a Holiday Inn Express, I make no claim that my theory (make that hunch) is accurate. But the facts are irrefutable. There is only one significant nutritional change I have made since 2012. At the advice of Dr. Michelle Robison, I began taking one 250 mg capsule of Resveratrol each day as a potential benefit in treating my glaucoma.

What is Resveratrol? According to WebMD, Resveratrol is a member of the group of plant compounds called polyphenols which are believed to have antioxidant properties. Antioxidants are groups of molecules which protect the body’s cells against the kind of damage linked to increased risk for cancer and heart disease. Resveratrol is typically found in the skin of red grapes, and in smaller doses, within nuts and berries. More information is available at the following link:
Does it work? I guess time will tell, but for now I will continue with my 250 mg per day Resveratrol ritual. Hopefully, Resveratrol is a gift that will keep on giving. But then... I like to think that the carrot cake might have helped a little.

Oh, well! It's four years later, I’m still here!