TMEPA Associate Member Program Revamped for 2018

TMEPA is excited to roll out our revamped associate member program for 2018. As the association representing two-thirds of the customers in Tennessee, it is important for us to engage quality vendors and consultants to provide services for our member utilities. Our associate members are an integral part of the association and are a key component to our mission of collaborating and providing services that support the operations of our municipal utility systems. I will personally be taking a lead role in building these partnerships to strengthen the association and its offerings. Our recent engineering and operations conference was a resounding success with an increase in participants from 85 to 120 over the 2016 fall event along with an increase from 15 to 25 exhibitors. Utility staff provided many raving comments about how much they enjoyed the interaction with the vendors and would like to see more attend in the future. At our annual event, one of our sponsors said, "I feel that I had a high level of exposure to the attendees and was able to interact with the group. I attend many meetings in other states that could learn a lot from TMEPA."

NEW IN 2018
As part of our new structure, all levels of associate memberships will get a discount on conference sponsorships and will see a larger discount to attend over non-members.

TMEPA will be deploying a brand new website in 2018 which will bring additional exposure for our associate members through a scrolling list of logos.

Please help me build on this energy as we work together to make TMEPA better through our associate memberships. In order to guarantee your company name be included in our 2018 Membership Directory, please confirm your membership by November 30!

In addition to our associate member program, we have several events that might interest you. We have Engineering and Operations conferences in the spring and fall along with our Annual Meeting which will be in Chattanooga on July 11-13. I'd be happy to discuss the details of any of our events.

If you have any questions, please let me or Susan ( know. Thanks again for all that you do for TMEPA and our municipal utility systems.

 Brian P. Solsbee P.E., Executive Director

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