'Tis the Season for...a Christmas Quiz - Winsome Wisdom

Winsome Wisdom – 'Tis the Season for...a Christmas Quiz
By Steve Chappell

With all the parties, shopping, traffic, cooking, baking, taking the kids to see Santa, more shopping, we sometime forget what the celebration of Christmas is really all about. How well do you know your Christmas history! Correct answers will be revealed in this column for January 2018.
From the Chaprock headquarters atop beautiful Signal Mountain, here's wishing you and those you love a blessed Christmas and happy holiday season.

1.       Approximately how old was Jesus when the wise men (Magi) from the east arrived with their gifts?
a.      One week old
b.      One month old
c.      Two months old
d.      Two years old
2.       When was Jesus born?
a.      December 25
b.      Sometime in September
c.      Sometime in October
d.      The actual date is unknown
3.       Which prophet foretold the birth of Jesus with these words? - "Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel."
a.      Jeremiah
b.      Ezekiel
c.      Isaiah
d.      Daniel
4.       Who plotted to kill the baby Jesus?
a.      Pontius Pilot
b.      King Herod
c.      Caesar Augustus
d.      The Pharisees
5.       Why did Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem for the birth of Jesus?
a.      A Roman census was being taken and they were required to go to their hometown to register.
b.      Because Jerusalem was too crowded.
c.      Because they were following a star.
d.     To avoid persecution