TMEPA Overlook

Tennessee Municipal Electric Power Association

Electric Power Systems
Border States
Cox Industries Inc.
Industry News
Smart meter use has more than doubled in the last seven years. The Energy Information Administration reports that today almost half of all U.S. electricity customer accounts now have smart meters.

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Moody’s Investors Service continues its stable outlook on the U.S. public power sector for 2018. The rating agency said competitive retail rates will continue into 2018. The report cites risks and indicates the outlook could change.

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A proposed Tennessee Valley Authority rate change could dilute savings from conservation measures.

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The Environmental Protection Agency on December 18 issued its Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR), seeking input on how it could replace the Clean Power Plan.

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In the latest push to offer faster broadband service to more customers, AT&T is testing its plan to deliver high-speed internet over power lines. Trials have started in rural Georgia and in an undisclosed location outside the U.S.

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GTM Research and the Energy Storage Association reported last week that energy storage Deployments grew 46% in the third quarter and are expected to rise nearly nine-fold by 2022.

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Association News
I know you are busy, but please stop a moment, take a break and read this question: How will you lead in 2018 It’s a terribly busy time of year, I know, and you want to enjoy the holiday season with your family while also ensuring your distribution utility keeps the lights on for all those Christmas trees, home-cooked meals and Santa specials on TV. But, be sure to take a few minutes to think about how you, as a leader in your company, will lead your people in 2018.

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TMEPA is excited to roll out our revamped associate member program for 2018. As the association representing two-thirds of the electric customers in Tennessee, it is important for us to engage quality vendors and consultants to provide services for our member utilities. Our associate members are an integral part of the association and are a key component to our mission of collaborating and providing services that support the operations of our municipal utility systems.

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With all the parties, shopping, traffic, cooking, baking, taking the kids to see Santa, more shopping, we sometime forget what the celebration of Christmas is really all about. How well do you know your Christmas history! Correct answers will be revealed in this column for January 2018. From the Chaprock headquarters atop beautiful Signal Mountain, here's wishing you and those you love a blessed Christmas and happy holiday season.

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ElectriCities of North Carolina and Turlock Irrigation District in California both took on customer survey projects in 2017 working through GreatBlue Research. Here they share highlights of their findings.

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How many of your employees could articulate the steps your electric utility or telecommunications company takes to stay financially strong? How are your customers affected by your financial planning, and are you communicating any of the work that you’re doing in that area? Financial matters can be more difficult to discuss, but they’re just as important to communicate.

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Have an important meeting or event coming to your town? Let us know and we'll put it on the TMEPA Calendar. Stay up to date with all the TMEPA meetings and other events around the state and even nationally for TMEPA Member Systems.

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Tomorrow’s Smart Grid. Today.
Tantalus Systems, Inc.
Tantalus provides TUNet® an award winning, multi-purpose platform that enables Smart Grid applications such as AMI, load management, and grid optimization for electric, water and gas Municipal & Cooperative utilities. TUNet utilizes IP and RF communications for a hybrid network that helps utilities improve reliability and reduce operational cost through applications that leverage distributed computing capability embedded at every endpoint.
Legislative Updates
House and Senate Conferees on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (H.R. 1) have reached an agreement that would retain the current-law tax exemption for municipal bonds, but prohibit the issuance of tax-exempt advance refunding bonds and tax credit bonds after Dec. 31, 2017.

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It has continued to be an active time for legislators announcing retirements and for new candidates to come forward for offices on the 2018 ballot, including a major one for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by the retiring Sen. Bob Corker. Let's update our monthly tally of the newest developments in Tennessee politics, setting up next year to be one of the most active election seasons in the state's history.

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TMEPA Annual Rally & Reception will be held on Tuesday, February 13th, at the Hermitage Hotel. This is the day for Tennessee's municipal power companies to visit the General Assembly and talk with legislators about issues and legislation affecting their utilities. There are several rumors about bills that could be filed that would touch how municipal electric utilities do business, so it will be important to make sure you have this event on your calendar. More information on hotel registration will be available soon.
At the Legislative Rally in February, the American Public Power Association will share the resources and connections to help public power communities make their voices heard in Washington, D.C. As an advocate for public power, you are in the best position to talk to Congress about the direct impact of federal action at the local level. You represent your local community as well as 49 million other Americans served by public power.

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Service Electric Company
Naylor Association Solutions
Member Spotlight
Located in rural West Tennessee, Ripley Power and Light Company is one of the smaller municipal utilities in the state. At the same time, however, Ripley Power and Light is a leader in using new technology and taking innovative steps to keep electric reliability high and customer costs low. Through the years, Ripley Power and Light Company has been very aggressive toward meeting the challenges of change in the industry.

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Training & Education
With all of the excitement during the holidays, many end up neglecting caution and safety. The Electrical Safety Foundation International is encouraging homeowners to give the gift of safety by creating a hazard-free environment for the holidays.

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Municipal Tennessee Advisory Service (MTAS) will be providing Utility Board Member Training at Cleveland Utilities' Tom Wheeler Training Center located in Cleveland, TN. The trainings are 12pm-4pm on January 19th, February 2nd, and March 9th. The cost is $85.00 per day. Click the link below for more details. This training can be used for the state-mandated training for water utility board members.

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The Department of Homeland Security Office of Infrastructure Protection offers a wide array of free training programs to government and private sector partners. These web-based independent study courses, instructor-led courses, and associated training materials provide government officials and critical infrastructure owners and operators with the knowledge and skills needed to implement critical infrastructure security and resilience activities.

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The Tennessee Job Training & Safety Training program is a joint venture between the Tennessee College of Applied Technology in Murfreesboro (TCATM), Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association (TECA), and the Tennessee Municipal Electric Power Association (TMEPA). The program provides job training and training and support in health and safety issues for both municipal and cooperative utilities throughout the state of Tennessee. We are based at the TCAT Murfreesboro campus. JT&S is based at the TCAT Murfreesboro campus.

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When it comes to electric power, Memphis-area utility customers soon could be paying more in part because they’ve been using less. Sales of electricity by the Memphis Light, Gas and Water Division have declined modestly but steadily since 2007, the result of more efficient lighting and appliances as well as sluggish economic activity. The utility’s supplier of wholesale power – the Tennessee Valley Authority – has experienced a similar trend.

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Chattanoogas biggest internet service providers today reaffirmed their commitment to an open Internet after the Federal Communications Commission voted to repeal the net neutrality rules. By a 3-2 vote, the FCC today reversed its 2005 decision and voted to overturn regulations that prohibited broadband providers from blocking websites or charging for higher-quality service or certain content.

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As the talks potential of a merger between Elizabethton Electric and BrightRidge continue, one potential measure could provide to be vital service for city customers. City Council members voted last week whether to enter into a cost-sharing agreement with BridgeRidge to complete a study and valuation of Elizabethton Electric, which would include field assessment to determine condition and upkeep of key assets along with estimates of necessary investments in the system.

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BrightRidge, the region’s largest publicly-owned power provider, has marked the installation of its 5,000th load control device. Load control devices divert electric usage by shutting off a system, in this case water heaters, during periods of high demand. BrightRidge calls its program TALO (Take A Load Off), and it saved system customers $211,000 in 2017 by reducing usage in times of peak demand.

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In keeping with a Chattanooga tradition dating back to the World War II era, EPB opened its 2017 Holiday Windows at its downtown building with the theme of "Holidays Around the World", representing the culture and traditions celebrated on all seven continents.

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Tennessee Municipal Electric Power Association
212 Overlook Circle, Suite 205, Brentwood, TN 37027
Phone: (615) 373-5738
Fax: (615) 373-1901