Session Recap: National Public Power Update

Sue Kelly, President & CEO of APPA, gave an impassioned session on a variety of the most pressing topics facing utilities today. APPA is there to help public utilities of all sizes be prepared, both on a legislative front and on everyday issues. APPA represents 1,400 of the 2,000 public power utilities in the U.S., with one in seven Americans being served by APPA. "That is a powerful statement," Kelly said. APPA is a resource that works best when all served by it participates in the process. For example, staying aware of legislative proposals long before they get to a vote, such as municipal bond changes, is imperative. TMEPA does a great job of working with APPA, from having members serve on their Board to just keeping up with the issues, APPA connects the wide variety of public utilities on many issues. Kelly shared some of APPA's priorities, which she is happy to discuss with any member. In addition to keeping a variety of issues at the state and local control level, Kelly said that "we have a long history of participation; this is key to keeping public power strong." For more information on current topics facing the industry, be sure to reach out to APPA. They are knowledgeable on everything from EPA regulations, municipal bond concerns and cyber security risks. APPA is a partner to TMEPA and members should take advantage of their expertise and knowledge that can help prevent problems before they arise. To learn more about APPA, click here

Cyber Security Help
Every utility – large and small – should be practicing basic level "cyber security hygiene." That’s because of "ransom-ware," which could start with an innocent email attachment and then, a few days later you get a call that says "pay us or else." These people, who are in often in other countries, can even take over your breakers, turn your power on and off, and more. Kelly describes one utility that had to deal with this for more than nine months. "Cyber hackers are targeting small, local governments now," Kelly said. "Everyone is at risk – no matter your size. Now you see what keeps me up at night."

All public utilities need to be educated about cyber security threats. APPA is providing tools and updates to help:

1. APPA Resources: Guidebooks, webinars, "what-if" exercises at events.
2. Sign up for E-ISAC. Email: or call: 404-446-9780 and press 2 (24-hour hotline).
3. Work with local police and fellow public power utilities to come up with ideas.
4. $15 million grant recently awarded, with $7.5 million going to APPA to help fight cyber crime.