Recap: Luncheon Honoring TMEPA Past Presidents

A discussion at the Luncheon Honoring TMEPA Past Presidents was an insightful history lesson about TMEPA and our industry. The wealth of knowledge shared by Don Collette, Dalton Smith, Joe Exum, Gene Ward, Bill Moss and Joe Loggins was both fun and educational. The packed room sang Happy Birthday to Exum, who was celebrating his 89th birthday that day. Exum said, "I guess it is an honor to be the oldest person here." He went on to share how he started in the industry back in 1946, making 87 cents an hour. "With the war and all the growth that occurred from 1946 to 1966, I didn't realize then that I was getting into an industry on the ground floor of a new American Electrical Future." (NOTE: A full story of this round table discussion will be featured in the Wrap-Up issue of this Newsletter, to be sent next Friday, July 22.) This will be a must-read for anyone wanting to learn more about the roots of our industry -- with colorful stories from the past by some of the most valued members of our Association. Pictured above is the packed conference room with a large screen that projected all the past TMEPA presidents; pictured below is the panel (l-r) Ward, Loggins, Smith, Collette, Exum, and Moss.