Teacher Workshops

Teacher Testimonials


"I have attended two TMRA camps, Coal Camp and Uranium Camp. I have learned a tremendous amount of content and hands-on learning experiences from these two camps. I have been able to bring back what I have learned and use them in my Chemistry, IPC, and Physics classes. Using what I have learned, I have been able to help my Earth and Space teacher with her content. I love these camps. Not only did I learn, I also made many lifelong friends. These camps have made me a better teacher for my students and fellow teachers. Thanks so much TMRA for everything you do for our students and for the teachers."

Thank you, 

Heather Crafts


"My experience at TMRA Coal Mining Camp has been invaluable to my own my education but also to my students. I am better able to explain to them how the United States actually has clean burning coal with strict rules on how to treat the land before, during, and after mining. Getting to see the operation and get particulates in my eyes while collecting on a windy day despite safety glasses was one of the best professional development days I have ever had. Thank you to TMRA for providing teachers with this vast learning experience. I cannot wait to attend other camps and professional development offered by TMRA."

Mende Stiles

LEMS - 8th Grade Science
Science Club
Department Head

Photos: TMRA Teacher Workshops