Occasionally, I’m asked... "What value does TMRA bring to our industry?" It’s a great question since being a part of this group is an investment – an investment of time, money and other resources. I firmly believe the value of TMRA is found within the group itself.
Cooperation: "The process of working together to the same end"Collaboration: "The action of working with someone to produce or create something"I started with those definitions, not because I don’t think you already know the meanings, but to emphasize how closely they align. The subtle difference may be that "collaboration" reflects a more concerted effort to work WITH, rather than just having the same goal. Bottom line, I believe, is that both approaches can be effective for TMRA and its "Collaborators" to reach for, have the best chance of achieving, common goals!
By Judy Colgan, Executive Director of the Rocky Mountain Coal Mining InstituteDuring the trying times that the mining industry has faced, it is more important than ever to work closely with other associations. The goal is to keep industry moving forward and to deal with the issues collectively. We are always stronger together and can give each other different perspectives that might help in situations that align closely in each state. While we all operate separately, I think it also helps our membership to feel assured that by working together with others we are doing our best to support all companies involved.
With the Governor’s disaster declaration related to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and his direction to state agencies to provide flexible work and telework policies to employees, the RRC will maintain limited skeleton crews at the William B. Travis building (WBT) and district/regional offices, with other employees telecommuting. This is in effect Tuesday, March 17 through Monday, March 30. The Railroad Commission of Texas Open Meeting scheduled for March 31, 2020 has been cancelled.CLICK BELOW TO LEARN MORE ABOUT: * Resources and Additional Information * Notices to Operators * Hearings Emergency Response Order
The National Mining Association (NMA) applauded the Senate’s "American Energy Innovation Act," introduced today, which includes important steps to address the nation’s alarming mineral import reliance and to increase the nation’s development and deployment of essential carbon capture technologies.
Look for more details this summer!
You can Sponsor A Teacher anytime during the year. This Sponsor A Teacher program gives all members/companies an opportunity to support TMRA’s successful teacher education program. A contribution of $1,500 will sponsor one teacher for a workshop that covers teaching materials, meals, lodging, etc. This is your chance to promote our industry by sponsoring a teacher! To learn more, click below.
METAL/NON-METAL MINE FATALITYOn July 15, 2019, a plant manager stumbled on a drill bench resulting in a compound heel fracture. While undergoing preoperative procedures for his injured heel on July 19, 2019, he became unresponsive and passed away the following day.
METAL/NON-METAL MINE FATALITYOn July 15, 2019, a plant manager stumbled on a drill bench resulting in a compound heel fracture. While undergoing preoperative procedures for his injured heel on July 19, 2019, he became unresponsive and passed away the following day.
MINE FATALITYOn February 27, 2020, a miner died when an unsecured 20'x8'x1" steel plate standing on edge fell and struck him. The steel plate was being used to cover the end of a feeder to allow an equipment operator to build an earthen ramp to the feeder.
METAL/NON-METAL MINE FATALITYOn February 29, 2020, a plant foreman was priming the main suction pump on a dredge when a two-inch coupling on the waterjet pipe failed, knocking the victim into the water. Divers retrieved his body several hours later. The victim was not wearing a life preserver.
In a move intended to lessen the stranglehold China has on rare-earth production and processing, Texas Mineral Resources and USA Rare Earth are joining forces to open a mining operation in Texas and a minerals processing plant in Colorado.
In a high-tech twist on hammering pickets into the ground, the U.S. State Department has helped launch an online tool aimed at staking America’s claim to many of the world’s rare-earth minerals.
Stay Connected with TMRA Social Media!
We are building our social media presence and we invite all TMRA members and interested parties to join the conversation! Click below to get started today!
Apr 2020
Date TBD The Cascades Resort Tyler, Texas
Oct 2020
Mark your calendars for the TMRA Annual Meeting! DATE: Oct. 18-20, 2020 LOCATION: Horseshoe Bay Resort (Horseshoe Bay, Texas) *Look out for more details this summer!
We are always looking to share news that is relevant and timely for TMRA members. If you have a submission and would like more information on deadlines, the type of content we are looking for and how to submit an idea, please reach out to Senior Content Strategist at rryals@naylor.com!
As the owner of a business that is influenced by the mining economy, you have an interest in the issues that impact the industry. TMRA helps to keep members updated and informed. Please click below to learn more about the many benefits of being a TMRA member.