TONL Monthly
April 2017

What’s This Generation Coming To?

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The opening session was presented by LeAnn Thieman, renowned author of the “Chicken Soup” series. LeAnn’s first job, at the age of 20, found her working with an “old” nurse (she had to be 50!) who lovingly called her BRAT. LeAnn, in turn, called her POSTEN, short for Poor Old Sick and Tired Elderly Nurse! In this fun, entertaining, highly educational session, we all learnt traits of the four generations of nurses and identify ways you and others can relate to, cope with, and even appreciate the differences. By doing so, nurses will decrease blame and resentment in the workplace and will improve cooperation, productivity, retention, and ultimately, patient care.

It’s important to be educated about each generation since nurses cover the span of all 4. More and more nurses are waiting to retire, so it’s not rare to have a Traditionalist and Gen Y-er sharing the floor. Knowing what makes each generation “tick” will better help your nurse recruitment and retention.

Look for an article in next month’s TONE times that will fill in the details about the generations!


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