TONL Monthly
May 2018 updated

Nurse Leader Survey

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Turnover among nurse leaders is an issue of great importance for healthcare and for the nursing profession. Loss of a nurse leader results in decreased morale and increased uncertainty within the rest of the organization’s work force, the loss of champions for patient care and safety initiatives, and loss of valuable organizational knowledge. The skill levels of nursing managers, directors, and executives have been associated with better patient outcomes. However, very little is known specifically about turnover experiences and intent to leave among nurses in formal leadership positions.

The Texas Organization of Nurse Executives has agreed to participate in a multi-state nursing research project by a PhD candidate at the University of South Carolina's College of Nursing. Your participation in this study will help us to understand job satisfaction, intent to leave, and turnover patterns among nurse leaders in our area and across the U.S.  This project has been approved by the Institutional Review Board at the University of South Carolina.  In return for our participation in completing the survey, this researcher will provide a summary of information on nurse leaders in our area.

Please follow the link included below to complete the survey. The survey should take no longer than 20 minutes to complete. It is completely confidential, and there is no link to connect any individuals to their answers.  

You may open the survey in your web browser by clicking the link below:

Nurse Leader Survey

If the link above does not work, try copying the link below into your web browser:

In addition, please forward this email invitation to other nurses in your organization who serve in leadership positions at the level of nurse manager and above. By sharing and encouraging the participation of other nurse leaders in your institutions, we can get a more complete picture of nurse leaders in Texas and ensure that our state is well-represented in this large-scale survey.

Thank you for participating in this survey to help us to understand intent to leave and turnover experiences of nurse leaders.


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