TONL Monthly
December 2018

Register Today for the 2019 TONE Annual Conference

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Texas Health Dallas - Texas Health Resources University in collaboration with the Texas Organization of Nurse Executives presents: “Strategies to Inspire Nurse Leaders: Designing, Engaging, Responding.”

Thursday, Feb. 28, 2019: Pre-Conference Session and Opening Reception
Friday, March 1, 2019: Annual Conference & Exposition

Join over 200 nurse leaders and sponsor community members at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas for the 2019 TONE Annual Conference. As always, the conference will offer a lineup of dynamic speakers, networking opportunities and industry insight. We hope to see you there!


Early-registration rates
TONE Member: $175
TONE Nonmember: $250
Thursday Pre-Conference Session (additional fee to attend): $75

Register today!


Developing Effective Communication Skills for a Healthier Workforce
Presented by Dr. Renee Thompson, founder, The Healthy Workforce Institute

A study by Johns Hopkins reported that medical error is the third leading cause of death in the United States. Ineffective communication was cited in most. Yet, we don’t often teach healthcare leaders and their employees the skills they need to optimize the way they communicate in a way that ensures the highest quality care and protects patients. When healthcare employees fail to communicate effectively, they make mistakes. Therefore, communication skills may be as important, if not more important, than clinical skills.

This workshop is designed to teach healthcare leaders and their employees the essential evidence-based communication skills needed to provide high quality, safe and effective care to the patients they serve.

Learning objectives:

  • Develop assertive communication skills among the healthcare team.
  • Incorporate body language techniques to strengthen team relationships.
  • Create standards and systems that foster collegial relationships among the team.

View the 2019 conference agenda.

Westin Dallas Park Central
12720 Merit Drive
Dallas, Texas 75251

Discounted attendee room rate
(800) 228-3000
$179/night (single or double) + tax

To confirm the discounted attendee rate, please call the number above by Feb. 5, 2019, and identify yourself as a member of the group "TONE Annual Conference 2019” or book online. Availability is limited.

Texas Health Dallas - Texas Health Resources University is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Texas Nurses Association, an accredited approver with distinction by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.


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