Participate in Survey on the Qualifications of Executive Nurses for Service on Hospital Boards
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Dear TONL members,
Nurse executives in a senior management position within an acute care facility including chief nursing officers, nurse directors, nurse managers and executive nursing officers with at least one year of experience in this role are requested to participate in a survey for a research study titled “Qualifications of Executive Nurses for Service on Hospital Boards." The nature of this study includes the utilization of a quantitative survey-focused evaluation of senior level nurses’ abilities and qualifications using The Center for Healthcare Governance (CHG) assessment tool through voluntary participation of American Organization of Nurse Leaders (AONL), Texas Organization of Nurse Leaders (TONL) and Texas Nurse Practitioners (TNP) members.
By participating in this survey, you will assist in establishing an increased awareness of the abilities and qualifications of senior level nurses in order to promote the confidence of nurse executives and perception of board/trustees to recognize that they have the fulfillment requirements necessary to serve on a hospital governance board.
The survey will take you approximately five minutes to complete. Your participation in this research survey is greatly appreciated and thank you in advance for taking the time to participate. This study has been approved by the Abilene Christian University institutional review board and data will be collected until March 31, 2020. Should you have any questions about the research study, please contact the principal investigator (information below).
The survey link is on the Informed Consent Form. Please click on it only after you have read all of the information provided on the consent form and your questions have been answered to your satisfaction.
Michelle Foxx, MSN, RN
(915) 261-2199
Click here to participate.