E-mail Invitation to Participate in a Research Study
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We are conducting a research study to assess the effects of layoffs on remaining nurse leaders
The title of the study is: Leaders Left Behind: Second Victims of Layoffs
Please take a few minutes (10 minutes) to complete the online survey. Individual responses will be anonymous and confidential.
Please remember:
- Completion of the survey is voluntary.
- Please try to answer every question.
- There is no right or wrong answers.
To complete the research survey, click here:
By completing the survey, you are giving your consent to be in this research study.
If you have already completed a survey—please do NOT complete it again.
Thank you so much for helping us!
If you have any questions, please contact: Nicole Hodges, MBA, RN, NE-BC at Nicole.Hodges@ttuhsc.edu
If you would like to speak to someone who is not involved in the study about your rights as a participant, research-related injuries, or any other matter related to the study, you can call the TTUHSC EthicsPoint Hotline: 1-866-294-9352.
Or, you can file an EthicsPoint report online: https://secure.ethicspoint.com/domain/media/en/gui/12958/index.html. Please choose the “Regulatory Compliance” option when making an online report.