Opportunity to Participate in Survey on the Qualifications of Executive Nurses for Service on Hospital Boards
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Dear TONL members,
Nurse executives in a senior management position within an acute care facility including Chief Nursing Officers, nurse directors, nurse managers, and executive nursing officers with at least one year of experience in this role are requested to participate in a survey for a research study titled “Qualifications of Executive Nurses for Service on Hospital Boards.” The nature of this study includes the utilization of a quantitative survey focused evaluation of senior level nurses’ abilities and qualifications using The Center for Healthcare Governance (CHG) assessment tool through voluntary participation of American Organization of Nurse Leaders (AONL), Texas Organization of Nurse Leaders (TONL), and Texas Nurse Practitioners (TNP) members.
By participating in this survey, you will assist in establishing an increased awareness of the abilities and qualifications of senior level nurses in order to promote the confidence of nurse executives and perception of board/trustees to recognize that they have the fulfillment requirements necessary to serve on a hospital governance board.
The survey will take you approximately 5 minutes to complete. Your participation in this research survey is greatly appreciated and thank you in advance for taking the time to participate. This study has been approved by the Abilene Christian University institutional review board and data will be collected until April 30th, 2020. Should you have any questions about the research study please reply to this email to contact Principal Investigator or for additional contact can see Contacts section in Consent Form attached.
The survey link is on the Informed Consent Form. Please click on it ONLY after you have read all of the information provided on the consent form and your questions have been answered to your satisfaction.
Michelle Foxx, MSN, RN
(915) 261-2199
Introduction: Qualifications of Executive Nurses for Service on Hospital Boards
You may be eligible to take part in a research study titled “Qualifications of Executive Nurses for Service on Hospital Boards”. This form provides important information about that study, including the risks and benefits to you, the potential participant. Please read this form carefully and ask any questions that you may have regarding your involvement, and any risks or benefits you may experience.
PURPOSE AND DESCRIPTION: This capstone project is being performed for the Degree of Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), conducted through Abilene Christian University by Michelle Foxx, MSN, RN. Hospital boards lack adequate nursing representation and the intention of this project is to establish increased awareness of the abilities and qualifications of senior level nurses and to promote the confidence of nurse executives and perception of board/trustees to recognize that they have the fulfillment requirements necessary to serve on a hospital governance board.
The nature of this study includes the utilization of a quantitative survey focused evaluation of senior level nurses’ abilities and qualifications using The Center for Healthcare Governance (CHG) assessment tool through voluntary participation of American Organization of Nurse Leaders (AONL), Texas Organization of Nurse Leaders (TONL), and Texas Nurse Practitioners (TNP) members.
RISKS & BENEFITS: There are risks to taking part in this research study. Below is a list of the foreseeable risks, including the seriousness of those risks and how likely they are to occur:
Although rare, potential breach of confidentiality through disclosure of information is subject to occur to unapproved parties.
The researchers cannot guarantee that you will experience any personal benefits from participating in this study and you may not experience any personal benefits from participating in this study however the intention of this project is to establish increased awareness of the abilities and qualifications of senior level nurses and to promote the confidence of nurse executives to recognize that they have the fulfillment requirements necessary to serve on a hospital governance board.
PRIVACY & CONFIDENTIALITY: Information collected about you will be handled in a confidential manner in accordance with the law. Some identifiable demographic data may have to be shared with individuals outside of the study team, such as members of the ACU Institutional Review Board or individuals affiliated with the granting agency. Aside from these required disclosures, your confidentiality will be protected and potential breach of confidentiality minimized by utilizing third party application for collection of survey data and signatures will not be required on consent but rather implied by completion of survey in order to avoid revealing name or any other identifying markers of participant to researcher.
The primary risk with this study is breach of confidentiality. However, we have taken steps to minimize this risk. We will not be collecting any personal identification data during the survey. However, the third party application Survey Monkey utilized to conduct this survey may collect information from your computer. You may read their privacy statements here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/mp/policy/privacy-policy/.
COLLECTION OF IDENTIFIABLE PRIVATE INFORMATION: After certain demographic identifiers are removed, your data may be used for future research, including by other investigators, without obtaining further consent from you.
CONTACTS: If you have questions about the research study, the Principal Investigator is Michelle Foxx, MSN, RN and may be contacted at (915) 261-2199, mlf16b@acu.edu. If you are unable to reach the Principal Investigator or wish to speak to someone other than the Principal Investigator, you may contact Dr. Catherine Garner, chg17a@acu.edu. If you have concerns about this study or have general questions about your rights as a research participant, you may contact ACU’s Chair of the Institutional Review Board and Executive Director of Research, Megan Roth, Ph.D. Dr. Roth may be reached at
(325) 674-2885
320 Hardin Administration Bldg, ACU Box 29103
Abilene, TX 79699
Your participation in this research is entirely voluntary. You may decline to participate or withdraw from the study at any time and for any reason without any penalty.
Additional Information
HIPAA AUTHORIZATION: Demographic data collected through survey will include member group (i.e. TNP, AONL, or TONL), age, gender, number of years of senior level nursing experience, highest level of education, and number of years of service on hospital executive board (if served). This information will be protected and will only be utilized as a general overview for consensus of response to survey questions based on demographic data and will be retained for no more than 5 years.
There may be unforeseeable risks associated with your participation in this study. We will notify you if any such risks are identified throughout the course of the study which may affect your willingness to participate.
Your participation may be terminated early by the investigators under certain conditions, such as if you no longer meet the eligibility criteria, the researchers believe it is no longer in your best interest to continue participating, you do not follow the instructions provided by the researchers, or the study is discontinued.
Consent Indication Section
If you voluntarily agree to consent to participate in this study, please click the link below or cut and paste the link into your web browser. Click only after you have read all of the information provided in this consent form and your questions have been answered to your satisfaction. If you wish to have a copy of this consent form, you may print it now. You do not waive any legal rights by consenting to this study.
The survey link is: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/9PPFKJS
Michelle Foxx, RN, MSN
Director Clinical Informatics
(Advanced Clinicals/CPOE)