Texas Healthcare Trustees Training Website
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Dear NOBC Member Affiliates,
Nurses serving on boards contributes to improved health and healthcare for individuals, families and communities. In order to prepare nurses for these important roles, the Nurses on Boards Coalition (NOBC) is proud to offer “Empowering Nurse Leaders to Impact the Community through Board Service” created by the Texas Healthcare Trustees, a state-wide organization dedicated to inspiring excellence in health care governance. This newly developed, innovative, and free resource is a series of five videos with accompanying workbooks that cover essential content in preparing for board service. Although much of the content refers to hospital examples, the concepts and skills are applicable for nurses in any setting. Please access the new training website here.
We are grateful to the Texas Healthcare Trustees for making this important resource available in collaboration with NOBC. We have reviewed the entire series and strongly encourage you to share this powerful board preparation educational resource with your members.
Janice G. Brewington, PhD, RN, FAAN
Connie Mullinix, PhD, MBA, MPH, RN
Co-Chairs, NOBC Preparation and Support Work Group