The Future of Nursing in Texas: Moving Stakeholders Towards Alignment
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By Paula J. Webb, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, FAONL
The Texas Board of Nursing and the Texas Organization for Nursing Leadership co-hosted an invitational Nursing Summit entitled The Future of Nursing in Texas: Stakeholders Moving Towards Alignment in Austin, Texas, on February 24-25, 2020. The event was the culmination of the work of these two organizations. TONL, over the past 2 years, has convened CNO’s from around the state and representatives from the Deans and Directors from our Schools of Nursing to strategize the transition of newly licensed registered nurses into practice. TONL was also represented on a Task Force to Study Implications of Growth in Nursing Education Programs in Texas, charged by the Texas Board of Nursing, to “create a dialogue between nursing education and clinical partners to facilitate optimal clinical learning experiences for all constituents.” During the Task Force meetings, it was determined that this co-hosted event would align both groups of stakeholders. This invitational event included representatives from TONL, Texas Board of Nursing, Texas Team, Texas Nurses Association, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Texas Nurse Practitioners, Texas Organization of Baccalaureate & Graduate Nursing Education, Texas Organization of Associate Degree Nursing Education, Texas Hospital Association, Texas Association of Vocational Nursing Educators, Doctor of Nursing Practice Students, and Texas Student Nurses Association.
Day One of the Summit laid the foundation for the conversations on Day Two and included presentations by Dr. Sue Hassmiller, National Academy of Medicine, in real time video; Dr. Lisa Campbell on the social determinants of health; Pamela Lauer, Texas Center for Nursing Workforce Studies, on the state of the State in Nursing through Texas data; an APRN Panel considering the preceptor role in APRN education, transition to advanced practice, and scope of APRN practice; Dr. Nancy Spector, NCSBN, on the Gap/Transition to Practice; Rachel Barbey, Texas Student Nurses Association, on the student perspective on clinical experiences; and Dr. Joan Stanley and Dr. Lin Zhan, American Association of Colleges of Nursing, on the new Essentials.
Day Two began with a patient perspective presentation by David Saucedo, Texas Board of Nursing Vice President An introduction to the World Café process was presented by Dr. Kristin Benton & Dr. Janice Hooper leading into the World Café. There were 24 conversation tables addressing 12 topics with questions to solicit comments and thoughts. The table facilitator monitored the conversation and documented the comments of the groups during the five rotations. A “harvest time” was utilized for a summary of the table questions by the facilitators.
A final report with recommendations will be completed after the analysis of the notes from the meeting is completed. The report will be disseminated to all stakeholders with an action plan to address the issues identified and strategies to address the education to practice gap.