Call for Posters: Share Your Research with Nursing Colleagues
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The TONL Annual Conference will be held virtually February 24 - 26, 2021. We're excited about the use of new technology to continue to deliver quality educational and networking opportunities to our members! As always, the TONL Annual Conference will provide an excellent forum to share your knowledge, accomplishments, and innovations with nursing colleagues across the state.
TONL is seeking poster presentations that support the conference theme, "Rising Above Adversity: Innovations in Nursing Leadership." Poster presentations should demonstrate innovative and creative strategies that expand leadership competencies to lead change and advance health, with a focus on the impact of the pandemic on healthcare and the community.
A virtual poster session will be held the morning of Friday, February 26, 2021. In addition, three presenters will be asked to share their research during a 20-minute presentation as part of the "TONL Talks" general session.
Submission Deadline: November 30, 2020
Chosen poster and general session presenters will be notified by January 8, 2021