TONL Monthly
January 2023

DEI Policy Statement Adopted by TONL

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TONL's commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is embodied in the organization's recent adoption of a DEI Policy Statement. This statement was produced by the TONL DEI Committee, chaired by Max Holder MSN, RN, CRNI, NE-BC, VA-BC, and is now featured on the TONL website. The full statement can be read below...

The Texas Organization for Nursing Leadership (TONL) values diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). As an organization of nursing leaders, we commit to the continual examination of our internal structures, culture, and policies to remove barriers to full participation.

TONL will assess diversity, equity, and inclusion, and eliminate policies and systems across TONL that perpetuate structural racism, cultural racism, and discrimination with respect to identity, place, and circumstances.

TONL commits to creating, sustaining, and protecting DEI within the organization; and cultivating a culture in which diverse expression is encouraged and continuously nurtured. And we commit to DEI as a leadership development strategy.

TONL’s responsibility is to create a culture within our organization that supports DEI. We seek, welcome, listen, and integrate diverse views into all decision making, with the objective of building an organization of members who experience a deep sense of belonging.

TONL will increase the number and diversity of nurse leaders within its membership and leadership positions.


Diversity – TONL accepts and celebrates the ways in which people differ and respect each unique individual.

Equity – TONL commits to acting towards all with fairness and justice.

Inclusion – TONL welcomes and embraces the thoughts, ideas, and voices of all, and leads to belongingness.


AONL guiding principles: Diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. (2022). AONL.Org.

Wakefield, M., Williams, D. R., & Le Menestrel, S. (2021). The future of nursing 2020-2030: Charting a path to achieve health equity. National Academy of Sciences.


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