Texas Nurse Leader Disaster Preparedness Survey
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Nurse Leaders,
Throughout history, you have faced a challenging role when disasters strike. Lack of preparedness in emergency management stresses the infrastructure of an already fragile healthcare system, revealing gaps in information and supply chains, workforce shortages, inadequate bed capacity, and demands for remodeled care. Disasters will happen again and can take the forms of fires, floods, ice storms, labor disruptions, and any myriad of other disaster you face in your own locale.
Continued lack of emergency preparedness education leads to nurse leaders feeling overwhelmed, underprepared, and lacking confidence on how to respond in the event of a disaster (Labrague, et al., 2020). The nursing field is known and praised for resiliency in times of crisis (Robinson & Stinson, 2021, & Chan, et al., 2019), yet nurse leaders carry a heavy emotional and physical strain due to lack of emergency preparedness. The recent COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the problem of unpreparedness and introduced a myriad of other issue during a time of an already intense health crisis (Johnson, 2019). And yet, while there is evidence and training for frontline staff, little is available to guide the nurse leader.
As nurse leaders, you are being asked to participate in a survey to evaluate nurse leader knowledge, confidence, and familiarity in emergency management and disaster preparation. Results from this survey will be used to develop recommendations for preparing future nurse leaders for emergency and disaster management.
Participation is voluntary and totally anonymous. Once you receive the survey and click on the hyperlink to proceed, doing so indicates your consent to participate in the study and your acknowledgement of the conditions of participation.
It should take approximately five to 10 minutes of your time to complete the survey. In order to assure confidentiality and anonymity, the survey utilizes Qualtrics software, where your de-identified answers will be accumulated for analysis.
Thank you very much in advance for your participation in this project. Please feel free to reach out to me personally if you have any questions before you begin.
Mary K. Holstein, MS, APRN, AGACNP-BC
TTUHSC School of Nursing, DNP Student