Influencing Innovation

Influencing Innovation

Bonnie Clipper DNP, RN, MA, MBA, CENP, FACHE. CTONE President.

Nurse leaders are actively involved in transforming health care and health care policy while working towards the goals of improving patient outcomes, reducing the cost of care and improving access to care. While nurse leaders acknowledge the need for dramatic change in order to achieve these goals, their organizations are often unable to build cultures that can nurture and support the magnitude of change necessary. This kind of change can happen through innovation and utilizing unique approaches to today’s dynamic health care environment.

While innovation may not be as difficult as we think, it is a challenge. Innovation can include putting new ideas to use or incorporating existing ideas into practice differently (Melnyk & Davidson, 2009). However, creating a culture of innovation is much more demanding. One reason for this may be that nurse leaders, typically do not receive formal education on leading with an innovative bias. Influencing innovation has become a new leadership competency. As innovation becomes increasingly more important, nurse leaders should be prepared to lead in a manner that nurtures and supports innovation within their own organization. Tolerance of risk and failure is another reason that innovation is an uphill climb in health care (Herzlinger, 2006).

Fostering innovation does not mean that yet another "initiative" needs to be developed. Building a culture of innovation can coexist with the current performance improvement methodology whether it is Six Sigma, LEAN or PDSA, to name a few. Developing an organizational mindset towards innovation encourages creativity and different approaches that are not the norms, or may even have been "shot down" in the past. Innovation is the opportunity for divergent thinking and doing things much different than in the past.

Ways for Nurse Leaders to Influence Innovation:


There are several ways that nurse leaders can span their boundaries to influence innovation. Starting small and creating a culture that will nurture and sustain innovation is a safe way to ensure that the organization will build an environment where innovation can continue to grow and thrive. Through innovation and creativity will come the changes necessary to transform our health care system and attain our goals of improving care, reducing costs and improving access.


Draw Toast (2015). Accessed at accessed on December 9, 2016.

Herzlinger, R.E. (2006). Why Innovation in Health Care is so Hard. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from

Melnyk, B.M., Davidson, S. (2009). Creating a Culture of Innovation in Nursing Education Through Shared Vision, Leadership, Interdisciplinary Partnerships and Positive Deviance. Nursing Administration Quarterly. Vol. 33 (4), pp. 288-295.