AONL 2022 Conference - TONL Members in the Spotlight

The TONL organization was well represented in conference planning and presentations.

Conference Leadership: Dr. Pam Bradshaw was Chair of the AONL 2022 Conference Planning Committee. 

Special Recognition: Dr. Jane McCurley received recognition as a recipient of the AONL Fellowship awarded in 2021. 

Breakout Sessions: Two TONL members presented break-out sessions with colleagues. Dr. Jane McCurley, “Awareness to Advocacy: Motivating Nurse Leaders to Action to Support Nurses,” and Dr. Pat Yoder-Wise, “Developing a Legacy through a Leadership Trajectory.”

Poster Presentations: Two posters were on displayed by TONL members supporting the work of DNP student projects. Dr. Tammy Eades, “Nurse Practitioner Directed Adolescent Depression Screening Tool,” and Dr. Cindy Plonien, “Improving African American Men’s Blood Pressure with Home Based Blood Pressure Monitoring.”