Cheryl Petersen, RN, MBA, NE-BC
Cook Children's Medical Center
Cheryl Petersen is the Chief Nursing Officer and Vice-President for Patient Services at Cook Children’s Medical Center in Fort Worth, Texas. She has served in this role since November of 2015 and prior to this role was Assistant Vice-President of Nursing and Nursing Director with Cook Children’s for 21 years.
Cheryl has led her nursing team to a 4th Magnet Designation in 2016, a 5th Magnet document submission this past April, achieving an academic preparation of nurses at 84% BSN, maintaining nursing turnover less than 9% and a Certified Nursing Rate of 52%.
Cheryl is a current member of AACN, TONL, AONL, ANA and TNA. She has served on the Communication and Membership Committee with TONL. She currently serves on the Board of Directors for Community Healthcare of Texas.
Cheryl received her Master’s in Business Administration from Benedictine University in Illinois and Baccalaureate degree in Nursing from the University of Iowa. She was honored as a DFW Great 100 Nursing in 2012.