TONL Chapter Web Pages: Upgrades and Revisions – Dr. Cindy Plonien, Communications Committee Chair

An operational objective of the Communications Committee, stemming from the 2022-2023 Strategic Plan, is the pursuit of standardization for Chapter web pages. With the support of Chapter Presidents, a task team from the Communications Committee the was created. Chapter web pages were reviewed identifying best practice content. Dr. Michelle Foxx and Dr. Tami Taylor created a sample template. The template recommendation has been put into action.  WTONL and HONL have used the template to update their Chapter Web sites. To view the outcomes, use the links below to access the associated web pages. For Chapters interested in revising their web pages, contact Harrison Breuer at for support and assistance from CMP Management as well as the Communications Committee.  

Website Upgrades:

WTONL – West Texas Organization for Nursing Leadership,
Dr. Becky Hartley, Webmaster; Dr. Becky Fuentes, President

HONL – Houston Organization for Nursing Leadership,
Dr. Kerrie Guerrero, Webmaster & President