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TONL News & Updates
In December, TONE Member and past SCTONE President, Laura Alvarado passed away after a three-year illness. Laura had a distinguished career as a member of the nursing profession and Laura served her country in the Unites States Air Force. As a member of TONE, Laura was an advocate for the nursing profession and she will be deeply missed by her many friends and colleagues around the state and especially in the San Antonio area. The entire TONE family extends their deep sympathy to Laura’s family and many friends. Click Here for a complete obituary.
A national campaign led by the American Board of Internal Medicine, Choosing Wisely® is focused on educating the general public about making informed health care decisions. The campaign began in April 2012 with the goal of promoting communication that would help patients choose care that is supported by evidence, avoids unnecessary care by avoiding duplicate tests or procedures that have already been completed, does not cause harm and is truly needed to guide care. Examples of unnecessary care might include prescribing antibiotics for conditions typically associated with a virus or completing full body diagnostic computed tomography (CT) scan for minor or single system trauma. Currently, there are more than 70 specialty society partner health care provider organizations that have released a list of tests or procedures to consider.
West Texas Region – Texas Team
Nurses on Boards Training
Featuring Mr. Marian Karr and Ms. Kimberly McNally
April 27, 2017 8 AM – 5 PM
Lubbock Christian University Campus
Collier Auditorium Room 125
1919 Frankford Ave, Lubbock, Texas 79407
Contact Pam Bradshaw at for an application.
Focus on Leadership
April 28, 2017 9 AM – 4 PM
• Dr. Bob Dent – Building a Culture of Ownership
• Dr. Chad Dunavan – Leadership during Emergencies
• Mr. Marian Karr – Value Proposition Construct
• Dr. Minerva Gonzales – Nurses on Boards
Lubbock Christian University Campus, Collier Auditorium, 1919 Frankford Ave, Lubbock, Texas 79407
Nursing Leadership
Marty Stempniak, Hospitals & Health Networks
Maureen Swick, AHA chief nursing officer and AONE chief executive, on nurse leadership in an era of change.
Eileen Williamson, MSN, RN,
Best-selling books have been written about what makes a leader great.
Minu Mathew, Nursing Times
As a registered nurse working in a care home I know that even when working on my own, I still need a good team to support me.
Jennifer Thew, RN, HealthLeaders Media
The concept of moral distress in nursing—the disequilibrium resulting from the recognition of and inability to react ethically to a situation—has been around since the 1980s, and it's been acknowledged that some bedside nurses experience it during challenging situations such as when there is a conflict surrounding end-of-life care.
Education and Events
Employ the power of online professional networking! Nurses Lounge is all about bringing nursing professionals together in a way that advances our profession. Join TONE's Lounge today! The cost is free but the value is PRICELESS!
Healthcare Industry
Karen Appold, Managed Healthcare Executive
With Donald Trump as the new commander in chief, the healthcare industry is in the midst of many changes.
Practice and Patient Care
Jennifer Thew, RN, HealthLeaders Media
Improvements in patient safety, quality of care, and organizational processes are fostered by work environments that empower and engage frontline nursing staff, nursing leaders say.
Christina Morgan, DailyNurse
The American Nurses Association (ANA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have recently partnered to create the Nursing Infection Control Education (NICE) Network.
Maureen Salihar, RN, BSN, RNC, and Leeann Cacovean, RN, MSN, ACNP-BC, ADVANCE
Recently the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced a bundled payment model associated with the impending roll out of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act legislation.
Heather Punke, Becker's Hospital Review
A pediatrician at Stollery Children's Hospital in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, walked 12 hours in a nurse's shoes as part of a fundraiser and team-building experience and gained some perspective on what nurses do day in and day out.
Members in the News
Melissa Correa, KHOU 11 News
To help honor those that make our city one of the best medical centers in the world, Direct Energy gifted five Texas Children’s Hospital nurses and a guest tickets to the big event.