May 2015
In This Issue |
Nursing Leadership
Practice and Patient Care
Education and Events
Public Policy
Members in the News
Healthcare Industry
By: Debra Wood, RNDuring the past century, the United States has made tremendous strides in public health, but the country still lags far behind other industrial nations when it comes to health outcomes. The opportunities to improve are enormous, and nurses have a role to play – including health promotion and participating in interventions to improve population health. SOURCE: NURSEZONE.COM
By: Lynn McVeyIn health care, many managers have "risen through the ranks." They were probably great clinicians, assumed to be great leaders, and then promoted. We thoroughly know being an amazing clinician is unrelated and a very different skill set from being an amazing leader. SOURCE: HOSPITAL IMPACT
A new study says positive collaborative relationships between nurses and physicians decrease rates of health care associated infections in critical care, according to an article in the April issue of Critical Care Nurse. SOURCE: NURSE.COM NEWS
American Nurses Association President Pam Cipriano (one of Modern Healthcare's Top 25 Women in Healthcare in 2015) says nurses are well-positioned to improve health care quality and care coordination and take on new roles as more care moves out of hospitals. Modern Healthcare Editor Merrill Goozner interviewed Cipriano in April in Chicago during the 2015 conference of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society. SOURCE: MODERN HEALTHCARE
Critical care nurses at 42 hospitals nationwide developed patient care initiatives that substantially improved clinical outcomes while demonstrating anticipated financial savings of more than $28 million annually. The results stem from the nurses’ participation in AACN Clinical Scene Investigator (CSI) Academy, a 16-month leadership and innovation training program for staff nurses delivered and funded by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN). SOURCE: INFECTION CONTROL TODAY
By: Natalie LeoniIn a blog post, Intrigma wrote about their whitepaper focused on the nurse managers at Southampton Hospital rethinking the approach to nurse scheduling. SOURCE: BECKER'S HOSPITAL REVIEW
By: Jennifer Thew, RNMen represent less than 10 percent of the nursing workforce. The number of men in nursing programs is slightly greater, but there is still much work to be done when it comes to creating a diverse nursing workforce. SOURCE: HEALTHLEADERS MEDIA
By: Jennifer Thew, RNThe clinical nurse leader role, introduced more than a decade ago as way to improve patient outcomes, patient safety, and quality of care, has been delivering promising, but mixed results in one Florida hospital system, which was an early adopter. SOURCE: HEALTHLEADERS MEDIA
By: Shefali LuthraJane Maier was among a select group of patients invited in early 2012 to help Partners HealthCare, Massachusetts' largest health system, pick its new electronic health record system – a critical investment of close to $700 million. SOURCE: KAISER HEALTH NEWS TODAY via USA TODAY
By: Alexandra Wilson PecciFemale RNs continue to earn less than their male counterparts across settings, specialties, and positions, data shows. SOURCE: HEALTHLEADERS MEDIA
By: Heather StringerThe year 2015 marks an important half-way point for the ambitious goals set forth in 2010 in the Institute of Medicine’s Future of Nursing Report, which included eight recommendations to transform the nursing profession. SOURCE: NURSE.COM
The American Nurses Association (ANA) has convened a panel of experts to make recommendations on preventing and reducing workplace violence, bullying and incivility, behaviors identified by research as particular problems in health care settings. SOURCE: AMERICAN NURSES ASSOCIATION via ENDONURSE
By: Leslie SmallThe popularity of Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) programs continues to rise, while the opposite is true of two-year programs, according to a Health Affairs analysis of data from the National Council of State Boards of Nursing. SOURCE: FIERCEHEALTHCARE
By: Vera GruessnerThe results of an additional survey – called 2015 Impact of the Informatics Nurse Survey – were released today at the 2015 HIMSS Annual Conference and Exhibition in Chicago and illustrate how informatics affects population health management. More than 500 participants were polled online including executives, clinical analysts, and informatics nurses. SOURCE: EHR INTELLIGENCE
The AONE Annual Meeting opened on Tuesday, April 14th with a lively and productive AONE Board of Directors Meeting. Attendance this year surpassed 3,000 and attendees were offered a variety a educational and conference opportunities including the exhibit hall packed full with giveaways and information on products to improve operational healthcare activities, multiple breakout sessions, and Sunrise Sessions. Click the link below for complete highlights.
By: Shannon BarnetDemocrats, Republicans and Independents alike agree – making sure that high-cost drugs for chronic conditions are affordable to those who need them should be the top priority of the president and Congress, according to the April Kaiser Health Tracking Poll. SOURCE: BECKER'S HOSPITAL REVIEW
By: Lydia WheelerThe Occupational Safety and Health Administration released new guidance to help health care and social service workers better protect themselves from workplace violence. SOURCE: THE HILL
Regardless of one's views on the Affordable Care Act, it has succeeded in placing long-overdue attention on improving management of patient transitions from one care setting to another, according to a leading health care policy analyst speaking at the National Quality Summit, sponsored by the National Association for Healthcare Quality. SOURCE: NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR HEALTHCARE QUALITY (NAHQ) via NEWSMEDICAL.NET
The TONE membership voted to approve the amendments to the bylaws and the updated bylaws are posted to the TONE website. See the bylaws on the TONE website here.
By: Alexandra RobbinsA misguided attempt to improve health care has led some hospitals to focus on making people happy, rather than making them well. SOURCE: THE ATLANTIC
By: Dedrick MuhammadToday, many will give a cursory glance at the job numbers, unaware of how focusing on just the national unemployment rate of 5.5 percent obscures systemic economic inequities in this nation. Others may even continue to advance the false narrative that we are on track to an economic recovery. SOURCE: HUFFINGTON POST