Nursing Leadership
As health reform increases access to care for people with chronic conditions at a time when the supply of primary care physicians is decreasing, one viable alternative is nurse-managed protocols for outpatient treatment of adults with diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, according to a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine. SOURCE: HUMAN CAPITAL BLOG FROM THE ROBERT WOOD JOHNSON FOUNDATION
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Practice and Patient Care
By Rachel ZimlichAn influx of newly insured patients and additional administrative tasks are taking nurses away from the bedside, but some hospitals are finding creative ways to increase the amount of direct-care time patients receive. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement took the report to heart and began looking for ways to bring nurses back to the bedside, launching an initiative in 2003 called "Transforming Care at the Bedside (TCAB)." SOURCE: HEALTHCARE TRAVELER
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This is a summary of the workshop held by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) Roundtable on Population Health Improvement. The workshop discussed important ingredients, effective strategies, and other lessons learned in three contexts: youth organizing, community organizing or other types of community participation, and partnerships between community and institutional actors (e.g., universities, public health agencies). SOURCE: INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMIES
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Education and Events
Texas TEAM has three webinars in October to help you
succeed in these key areas:
- Academia (October 1)
- Acute Care (October
- Business (October 29)
Each webinar is only $15 and counts as 1.0 CE.
Learn More...
This program is suited for nurses as well as other
healthcare professionals interested in an informatics career and expanding
their expertise. 50-seat maximum — reserve your seat now!
Jointly hosted by the Texas
Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Nursing, Seton Healthcare
Family, the University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing, and the University
of Texas at Austin Health Informatics and Health IT Program.
Learn More...
Join us for the International Nursing
Administration Research Conference in Dallas, Texas.
The theme will be "Pioneering through Chaos:
Leadership for a Changing World." See Program Agenda here.
INARC is co-sponsored by
CGEAN, the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Nursing,
Texas Health Resources®, and TONE.
Learn More...
Public Policy
The Senate voted 78-22 to approve a continuing resolution (H.J. Res 124) extending funding for all federal programs through Dec. 11. The measure now goes to the president for his signature. While extending funding at the current annual rate of $1.012 trillion, the bill provides $58 million to the Department of Health and Human Services to address Ebola therapies and $30 million to respond to the Ebola outbreak in Africa, as well as several other changes to existing law. SOURCE: AHA NEWS NOW
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Members in the News
Thank you to everyone who voted and to the leaders
who have stepped up to serve.
- President-Elect -- Jane
- Secretary -- Valerie
- Director, District 2 -- Susie Cassle
- Director, District 4 -- Lisa Cox
- Director, District 8 -- Wilma Powell Stuart
Remember, you
can only participate in elections and enjoy TONE benefits if you keep your
membership up to date. Now is the time to renew! Click here to renew.
We’re pleased to announce that North Texas Organization of Nurse Executives (NTONE) is the TONE Chapter of the Month. See their Chapter page to learn more about them!
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Healthcare Industry
In September the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced the availability of $295 million to nearly 2,000 health centers across the country, which will expand primary care services and improve access to care. SOURCE: THE HUMAN CAPITAL BLOG FROM THE ROBERT WOOD JOHNSON FOUNDATION
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