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By AJ Stephens, DNP, MBA/HCA, RN-BC, CMSRN, NEA-BC, Treasurer, Texas Organization of Nurse ExecutivesThe Triple Aim, a compass leading to the maximum optimization of health care, is now a widely accepted model for health care organizations to enrich the patient experience, improve the health of entire populations and reduce per capita cost of providing care. Society is placing increased demands on the health care system and clinicians, and staff are feeling the pressure. A widening gap between patient expectations and the realities of providing care is leading to career burnout in physicians, nurses and staff. Burnout in the health care workforce jeopardizes the objectives of the Triple Aim and, ultimately, the quality and cost of care provided to patients.
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Nursing Leadership
Laurie Larson, Hospitals & Health NetworksPeter Buerhaus, R.N., a health care economist and a professor of nursing at Montana State University, maintains a multifaceted research program analyzing nursing workforce economics, forecasting nurse and physician supply, and determining public and provider opinion on care delivery issues, among other areas of study.
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Practice and Patient Care