FMCSA Updates System to Use USDOT PINS to Access FMCSA Systems
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On Friday, April 24, 2020, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) made the following announcement:
The purpose of this email is to inform you of changes for how registrants will use their USDOT Number and MC/MX Docket Number Personal Identification Numbers (PIN) to access FMCSA Systems, and to request your assistance in getting the word out.
At the beginning of this year, the Office of Registration and Safety Information began working with the Office of Information Technology on an effort to consolidate the USDOT No. and MC/MX Docket No. PINs into a single USDOT No. PIN. There is no reason why registrants should be required to maintain two separate PINs to access FMCSA systems and submit changes as well as to request updates to its US DOT and operating authority records. Once this change takes effect, only the USDOT No. PIN will be accepted when accessing the FMCSA online registration system (, or by selecting the “FMCSA Registration and Updates” link under FMCSA Services from the SAFER website (
In March, we announced these plans on the Agency’s Registration Landing page (, the “Ask a Question by Email” website (, as well as the Safety and Fitness Electronic Records (SAFER) (, and the Licensing and Insurance (L&I) Public ( websites. We explained our intent to consolidate PINs and that FMCSA systems would only be accessed by using the USDOT No. PIN only. We stated if one did not have a USDOT No. PIN, or needed to reset it, to visit the PIN Request website (
The Office of IT team has completed its work on this effort and will be deploying these changes into the production environment this weekend. We expect that on Monday, April 27, registrants will only be able to access FMCSA systems by using their USDOT No. PIN.
We believe this will be a welcome change to the industry, but anticipate it may surprise many registrants when they get an error message when trying to enter their MC/MX Docket No. PIN.
To minimize the impact, we are alerting you of these changes and sharing our actions to communicate this publicly in a variety of ways.
- We will update the message callers hear when reaching our Customer Service Center to indicate FMCSA has consolidated the USDOT, MC and MX PINs into one USDOT PIN and that the MC/MX Docket No. PINs are no longer valid. We’ll instruct callers to visit the PIN Request website if they do not have a USDOT PIN or need to reset it.
- We will announce the changes on the following websites: FMCSA Registration Landing Page, Ask a Question by Email, and PIN Request. We’ll work with the IT Office to update SAFER and L&I Public in the coming weeks as it takes longer to post the changes on those sites.
- We will update appropriate questions on the FMCSA Registration Frequently Asked Questions site.
The FMCSA has put together a FAQ for the public to use. The FAQ can be found here.
If you have any questions, please contact TIA Advocacy (