ATA to Take Over BOC-3 Filings for AMSA
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TIA has been advised that the American Moving & Storage Association (AMSA) is dissolving and becoming part of the American Trucking Associations (ATA). Therefore, AMSA will no longer be active as a blanket company to satisfy the BOC-3 filing requirement for the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).
TIA had an agreement with AMSA for many years, that assisted members in obtaining their BOC-3 process agent requirement. ATA has informed the community that they will be assuming the role of a new blanket provider and will be ready to file and maintain the requirement on your behalf.
You can access the blank ATA Agent of Process BOC-3 form for completion.
Please make sure to complete the form with your company name, company address and signature, and email the form back to The ATA will file this under ATA as your blanket company to ensure that your company remains in compliance with FMCSA and will send you a filed copy to keep for your records.
Also, as a reminder, expect the annual renewal notice in December for the upcoming year (2021) exactly as you have before. If you have any questions on the process, please email ATA at
This obviously only applies for companies that have utilized AMSA as their process agent. If you have another blanket agent, please disregard.