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Technology, Science & Selling: Forecasting the Future of the 3PL Sales Environment

Artificial intelligence, BOTS, data analytics, cloud computing, social media, software specialization, and outsourced operations teams are now the norm in the 3PL world. However, what happens when these tools are coupled with scientific behavior research in the sales realm? During this general session at the 2021 TIA 3PLXTEND Xperience, we’ll be joined by Dr. Jim Kenny, Professor Emeritus of Marketing at Western Illinois University, as he discusses how the convergence of technology and behavioral science are completely reshaping the professional sales process, salesforce design, training, coaching, recruiting, and sales management.

Learn more about the 2021 TIA 3PLXTEND Xperience and register now. We look forward to seeing you in San Antonio October 20-22.




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