Ron Usem, Esq., Long-Time TIA Member and Director Circle Member, Announces A Better Way To Dispose Of Salvage Products

The following is a message from TIA member Ron Usem:

While I have retired from full-time practice of law, (Is that cheering I hear?), I have not left the transportation/shipping industry. Noticing over the past 35 years that disposition of salvage merchandise was a particular vexing, time-consuming, and expensive process, I was inspired to create with a partner, Mitch Helten of SPI International, a business known as Cargo Salvage Technologies LLC (CST). CST functions as the first “cargo salvage posting board” in the US for listing salvage for sale to an expanding database of more than 1,100 salvage companies around the country. 

3PLs, motor carriers, freight forwarders, insurance companies, and warehouses are not usually in the salvage disposition business. However, occasionally, for a multitude of business and legal reasons, they need or want to dispose/sell products which must be salvaged in order to mitigate losses. CST is designed to make the process of finding reliable salvage purchasing resources more efficient, quicker, easier and less expensive than ever before. The next time you (or your customers) needs or wants to sell any salvage merchandise, including food products, direct them to:

 Additional CST Services include:

Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Ronald H. Usem, President
Cargo Salvage Technologies LLC
5101 Olson Memorial Highway
Minneapolis, MN 554221-844-505-5550